Gift items presented to the Somali Refugee Centre
Picture at the event from top left are: Mr. Ola, H4H Project Coordinator; ‘The Senator’ from Naija 101.1 fm Radio & Pastor S. O. Adebola, President of H4H Project; Pastor S. O. Adebola; ‘The Senator’; Councillor Vic Tewari & the Special Guest of Honour; Pastor Adebola with the Special Guest of Honour; Officials of The Somali Refugee Centre; The head of the Somali Refugee Centre with Pastor Adebola & the Special Guest of Honour; Pastor Adebola and Officials of the Somali Refugee Centre; The H4H Project Banner; Councillor Vic Tewari with Officials of the Somali Refugee Centre; Officials of H4H Project and the Somali Refugee Centre with Councillor Vic Tewari; Councillor Vic Tewari with some H4H Project Officials; The head of Somali Refugee Centre and Councillor Vic Tewari and the Special Guest of Honour.
H4H Project as part of its annual donations to worthy causes donated 50 boxes of gift items to the Somali Refugee centre.
The gift items are meant for refugees in Somalia. The items donated ranges from clothes, shoes and toys.
To present the gift items at the event is Councillor Vic Tewari of Redbridge Council.